I was looking for 20+ with mixed driving, my truck is rolling 35's w/ 4.10's and if I keep it at 65mph it's in the 4BT's sweet spot of 1800 rpm. My first drive was so

2nd tank: 19.2 mpg. City & hi way driving from Parker to Golden, run up I-70 @ 70 mph with camping gear & supplies for 3 people to Idaho Springs, ran Barbour Fork at 10 am. Gassed in Parker & Idaho Springs, temps ranged from 90 degrees in the metro area to 65 degrees in the mountains.
3rd tank: 20.5 mpg. Around Parker & two runs up to Northglenn, in town driving was at 40 mph & I-25 N was at 65 mph (sweet spot), gassed in Parker. Temps were between 80-100 degrees, almost no traffic and no intentional turbo kick. You can drive it hard and force the turbo to light early and make it maintain it if you want.
4th tank: TBD